">The USTA and First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" campaign have teamed up to encourage young people across the country to get active, try tennis and lead healthy lifestyles. "It's important for kids to get the hour of active play they need every day, and there are so many fun things that each of us can do to be healthier," said First Lady Michelle Obama. "Thanks to programs like the USTA's 10 and Under Tennis initiative, it's easier than ever for kids to get active and have fun. And that's a big part of what we're doing with Let's Move!, America's campaign to raise a healthier generation of kids." Watch as the First Lady spends some time on the court with tennis legends Andre Agassi and Stefanie Graf, along with a couple of youth stars in the making. For more information about the "Let's Move!" campaign, check out ">http://www.letsmove.gov"> For more information about the USTA and 10 and Under Tennis, check out ">http://www.usta.com"> & ">http://www.10andundertennis.com"> For exclusive recaps, photos and video from Tennis Night in America and the BNP Paribas Showdown at Madison Square Garden - featuring Andre Agassi - check out ">http://www.tennisnight.com
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