인터넷 찾아보니 인터넷에서 ESTA 승인 받아야 된다는 분도 계시고 그렇지 않다는 분도 계신데 어느게 맞는건가요? 헷갈려요 제가 예전에 미국 비자 거절당해서 ESTA는 승인이 안될게 뻔하거든요 가르쳐 주세요
구피 [2009-02-06]
제가 아는 바로는 승인 받지 않아도 된다고 합니다. 하지만 입국시 i-94 서류작성하셔야 하는데 거기에 비자 거절 사유 묻는 질문이 있기 때문에 비자를 받으셔야 할겁니다.
Jon [2009-02-12]
Home / Travel / For International Visitors / Electronic System for Travel Authorization / ESTA Question of the Week /
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in ESTA Question of the Week:
Will travelers that are in-transit be required to obtain an ESTA authorization?
How can an applicant correct a mistake when completing their ESTA application?
Do VWP travelers need to bring a paper printout of their ESTA approval to the airport?
If a VWP traveler has received ESTA approval, does he or she also need to fill out an I-94W?
I will be entering the United States as a VWP traveler from Canada or Mexico at a land border port of entry. Will I be required to obtain ESTA authorization?
(02/10/2009)A: At this time, VWP travelers who enter the United States at a land border port of entry are not required to obtain ESTA authorization. VWP travelers will still be required to follow all other current regulations regarding VWP travel. .