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  잊지못할 영성훈련! 죽음의 문턱에서 구원받은 홍행소 전도사님!(홍광의 목사님의 독자)! 하나님 감사합니다!!! 미국 신문 기사!!!

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지 난 3월 5일 안식일 오후, 호수에 빠져 30분동안 도움을 받지 못하고 차가운 얼음물속에서 죽어가던 그는 하나님의 은혜로 극적인 도움을 받아 다시 살아났다. 그의 이야기가 3월9일 지역 TV News에 소개되었다. (사진설명 1번사진. 5시간의 혼수상태끝에 회복한 홍행소학우, 2번3번사진 Seminary에서 한국인학생 특창시 자신의 경험을 간단히 소개하는 장면, 4,5,6번 사진 TV News에 소개된 홍행소학우와 그를 구한 사람의 인터뷰 장면)
Andrews Student in Hospital After Falling Through Ice
A member of our University family is in the hospital after falling through ice Sabbath afternoon.
Seminary student Haengso Hong, who also goes by the name William, was at a retreat center... in Buchanan when he fell through the ice of Still Lake Pond. Andrews employee Rob Fuste, who also works for the retreat center, heard Hong’s cries for help. Emergency crews were called and they were able to rescue Hong. According to an officer on the scene, Hong was in the water for about 25 minutes. Hong was taken to Memorial Hospital in South Bend where he is in ICU.
Steve Yeagley, associate dean for Student Life, says he was able to visit briefly with Hong, who was conscious and responsive. He is expected to be released tomorrow, (Sunday, March 6). Hong told Yeagley, "God answers prayer."


March 10, 2011

노루님께서 이곳에 글을 가져오셨네요. 제가 조금 더 자세하게 상황을 설명하려고 합니다.


지난 안식일 오후에 있었던 일이었습니다.

홍행소 전도사는 세미나리 과정 중 하나인 영성훈련을 위해 학교근처의 영성훈련원(Still water retreat center)에 홀로 입소하여 24시간 동안 말씀을 명상하며 기도하는 시간을 가지고 있었습니다.

그날은 안식일이었고 점심식사를 마친 그는 명상하기 위해 산책하며 호수 주변을 걷고 있었습니다. 그곳엔 수련원생들이 거의 없었고 그는 홀로 그곳에 있었습니다.

호수의 얼음이 단단하게 언것을 확인하고 그는 언 호수위를 걷기 시작했습니다. 중간 지점을 지나 호수의 3분의 1 지점에 도착했을때 갑자기 얼음이 깨지면서 그는 그대로 차갑고 깊은 얼음물 속에 빠졌습니다.

수영을 잘 하는 그였지만, 나 오려고 얼음을 잡을수록 얼음은 계속 깨져갔고 도저히 밖으로 나갈 수 없는 상황이 되었습니다. 그는 절박하게 소리치며 구조를 요청했지만, 안식일 시간 모든 사람들이 교회에 간 시간이었고 수련원에는 사람이 없었습니다. 그렇게 20-30분의 시간이 흐르며 그의 몸은 점점 마비되어 갔습니다. 그의 머리속에는 이제 독자를 잃고 상심하실 부모님과 결혼을 약속한 여인의 얼굴이 떠오르며 어떻게든 살아야겠다고 생각했지만 도와줄 사람은 없었습니다. 마지막으로 하나님께 마지막 기도(?)를 드리고 죽음을 준비하는 순간, 그는 다시 한번 소리를 질러야겠다고 마음먹고 소리쳤습니다.

그때 사무실에 막 도착한 Robert와 그의 부인이 소리를 듣고 호수로 달려갔습니다.

호수가운데 빠져있는 홍전도사를 본 그는 호수에 뛰어 들었습니다. Robert는 차가운 얼음속에서 정신을 잃은 홍전도사를 붙잡고 20분동안을 함께 있었다고 합니다. 그 사이 부인은 911에 연락을 했고 헬기를 동원한 경찰들은 그 두사람을 구출해 냈습니다. 홍전도사는 약 1시간동안을 찬 얼음속에 있었고 병원으로 옮겨져 5시간의 혼수상태후에 깨어났습니다.

참으로 하나님의 은혜와 도우심이 아닐 수 없습니다.

더욱 감사한 것은 Robet와 그의 부인은 예배후 주로 교회에서 시간을 보내다가 오는데 그 안식일에는 이상하게 빨리 귀가하고 싶은 마음에 일찍 도착하였고, 홍전도사의 절규를 들을 수 있었다고 합니다.

정말로 하나님의 도우심이었습니다.

그는 건강하게 회복하여 화요일 세미나리에서 있었던 예배에서 자신을 살리신 하나님을 간증하였고 그의 이야기는 사우스밴드 지역방송 뉴스에 소개되기도 했습니다.

그를 사망의 늪가운데서 구하신 하나님을 다시 한번 찬양합니다.


(홍행소 전도사는 칼라마주한인교회의 부목사로 봉사하고 있으며, 한국의 재림연수원 원장 홍광의 목사님의 외아들입니다.)         



March 10, 2011

노루님! 주기택 목사님! 좋은 소식 들려주셔서 감사합니다!!!

죽음의 문턱에서 홍행소 전도사님을 구원해주신 주님을 찬양합니다!!!

영원히 잊지 못할 영성훈련을 체험한 성령충만한 주님의 종 홍행소 전도사님!

하나님께서 귀하게 쓰실 줄 믿습니다!!! 할렐루야!!!


March 11, 2011

Rescued student just thankful to be alive


Robert Fuste (left) poses with “William” Haengso Hong. Fuste held onto Hong until other rescuers arrived, after discovering Hong had broken through the ice. Contributed photo

Body temperature fell to 80 degrees

By DEBRA HAIGHT - H-P Correspondent
Published: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 1:06 PM EST
BUCHANAN - Andrews University seminary student "William" Haengso Hong considers it nothing short of miraculous that he's still alive after falling through the ice on a pond near Buchanan Saturday afternoon.

Hong, 31, was attending a retreat at the Still Waters Retreat Center on West Clear Lake Road Friday and Saturday. He decided to go for a walk after lunch on Saturday and headed toward a small pond on the property.

After walking over the ice across the pond on one side, he came back over the ice on the other side. That's when the ice broke and he fell into the freezing water.

"I stepped out on the ice and there wasn't any problem," he said. "I went across the lake to the other side, and again there was no problem. As I was coming back along another part, that's when I went through the ice."

While it's still a little fuzzy as to how long he was in the water, he and Still Waters' directors, Robert and Sarah Fuste, think that he was in the water at least 45 minutes and maybe as long as an hour.

"I checked with Robert, and he came out around 1:45 and I had gone out a little after 12:30," Hong said. "I was in the water for about an hour. I've heard that people can die after 30 minutes it the water. It's a miracle I'm still here.

"I kept yelling for about 30 minutes and then I gave up," Hong said. "I tried to climb up on the ice but it kept breaking under me. I finally put my arms on the ice and rested my chin on it. I gave up."

Robert Fuste was the person who held on to Hong for the long minutes before the expert rescuers arrived.

After he was rescued by a team of people that included sheriff's deputies, local firefighters and state police, he was taken by ambulance to Memorial Hospital in South Bend. His body temperature was 80 degrees when he arrived.

Although hospital staff initially warned that he might have suffered damage to internal organs, he was pronounced in good condition less than a day later and released at midday Sunday.

Hong said he's thankful for all the people who came to rescue him from the pond, but most especially to Robert Fuste, who was the only one to hear his cries for help.

Calls, but no response

While Robert, his wife, Sarah, and another woman were all inside the main house at some distance from the pond, only Robert heard Hong's call.

"I tried to say hello and help but nothing worked," Hong recalled. "I finally made a sound like a wolf, and Robert heard that. I remember he came with a little sled, and then that's the end of my memory. He said I was unconscious until the rescue people came."

"I was the only one who heard him," Robert Fuste said late Monday. "I thought it must be something else, but the sound kept persisting."

Fuste dashed down to the pond, dressed only in indoor clothing and carrying a small plastic sled tied to a rope. He did tie his boots when he got to the pond.

Fuste said there was open water between Hong and the shore.

Fuste waded in water about waist-high until he reached the ice near Hong. He said he tried to get on the ice on his chest, but the ice kept breaking.

Finally Fuste reached some ice thick enough to support him. He crawled across the ice toward Hong, propelling himself with his elbows.

"Once I got out to him, that's when the severity really started hitting me," Fuste said. "He was frothing at the mouth, basically, and his tongue was quite enlarged. He had a hard time speaking. His eyes, he was having a hard time keeping them open."

Hong was standing in water up to his shoulders, with his arms and head above water. " I saw behind him about a 15-foot trail of broken ice," Fuste said.

Trying to stay as far as possible away from Hong so that both of them wouldn't be in the water, Fuste tried unsuccessfully to pull out Hong. But Hong, who was wearing a winter jacket, was waterlogged and heavy.

At one point Fuste managed to pull Hong up so that the water was waist-high on Hong, but then the ice broke and Hong fell back in. An effort to put the sled under Hong also failed.

"Basically, I just lay there, and I was just holding on to his shoulders and assuring him in any way I could that help was on the way and that he could make it," Fuste said.

"His eyes were getting harder and harder to keep open. ... I was just counting on 911, I was just counting on them coming fast and that he hadn't gone too far yet."

Fuste estimated that it was about 20 minutes from the time he heard Hong's call to when the rescue team came.

"He was at least 45 minutes to an hour in the water," Fuste said. "That's the amazing beauty of the body, it can go into such self-preservation.

"We can be thankful that all the pieces came together that we were there and hadn't stayed after church, that I heard when he called out and that the rescue team could come so fast," Fuste said.

Sarah Fuste said she was scared for both Hong and her husband. "He had a rope and a sled and didn't know exactly what to do," she said. "I called 911 and was going back and forth. It's just a miracle that we found him alive.

"We're still soaking it in," Sarah said Monday. "It feels so surreal and traumatic. He came so close to dying. I'm glad we were there at the right time. It's really amazing."

'He saved my life'

"The most important thing to me was what Robert did," Hong said. "He saw me and knew that he could fall through as he made his way across the ice to reach me. I could have pulled him into the water."

"He risked his own life and held me there for 20 minutes. I really want to thank Robert. He saved my life. I'm so grateful to Robert and to all the people who showed up. I heard that more than 50 people showed up. I didn't know how to thank them.

"I want to thank everyone who showed up. They were my angels," Hong said. "Everyone in the Korean community also supported me in prayer as soon as they heard about it on Saturday."

Hong is a native of South Korea and is in his last semester at the Andrews University Seminary. He will graduate in May with a master of divinity degree and plans to go back to South Korea, where his parents and fiancee await him.

"I'm an only child. He and the rescuers didn't save me only - they saved my parents," he said. "I told them (my parents) what happened, and they were very surprised.

"God willing, I would like to be a minister," Hong said. He is currently an assistant pastor at the Kalamazoo Korean Seventh-day Adventist Church.

H-P Local News Editor Ted Hartzell contributed to this story.

정무흠  [2011-03-11]

March 11, 2011

"영혼구원의 역사적 사명을 띠고" 이 땅에 존재하는 "행소" 전도사님 얘기~~

참 극적인 얘기입니다. 30분간 살려달라고 외치면서 늑대처럼 목소리가 간 이야기...

팔과 턱을 얼음 위에 고이고 "주여 내 영혼 주님께 의탁하나이다"하고 살기를 포기했던 젊은 전도사...

차가운 얼음 물 속에 빠져서

애절하게 구원을 호소하며

죽어가고 있던 젊은이의 갈구를

Robert에게 들리게 했고

썰매와 밧줄 하나 달랑 들고 달려가

그를 붙잡고 "희망을 버리지 말라"고

확신을 주던 모습...

마침내 911의 헬리콥터가 나타나

그를 구해서 살아나게 한 일

참으로 극적인 장면이네요.

부모님과 애인을 위해서라도

꼭 살아야만 했던 행소 전도사님!

마귀의 얼음연못 속에서 동사할 뻔 했던~~

하나님의 은혜와 가호하심이 계속 함께 하시기를.


안 삼 주

March 11, 2011

홍 전사님

하나님께서 살아계심이 확실하고 하나님께 간절히 부르짖는 자의

기도를 들어 주심을 실제로 볼 수있도록 하시니 감사합니다.

이미 바쳐진 생명 주님 위하여 일하십시요

하나님의 인도하심이 영원히 함께하시길 기도드리며

카네스빌 전원 교회 안 삼 주 드림



March 11, 2011

홍행소 전도사님!

깜짝 놀랐습니다.

기사를 읽는 동안

식은땀이 흐를뻔했습니다.

사랑하는 부모님들이 염려했을

것을 생각하니 자식가진 부모

입장에서 많이 안타까웠습니다.

이번 일이 평생에 걸친 하나님의

은혜를 외칠수 있는 새로운

영적인 기회가 될 것이 분명합니다.

참고로 두번 다시 얼음호수를

걷지 마시길....


id: id: 이창희

March 11, 2011

홍행소 전도사님, 캘리포니아의 글렌데일 교회도 감사 기도 드립니다! Welcome back!



March 11, 2011

저의 실수로 인해 많은 분들께 심려를 끼쳐 드리게 되어 송구합니다.

정무흠 목사님의 표현대로, '죽음의 문턱'에까지 가 보니 물론 저의 마지막 기도를 주님께서 들어 주시리라 확신했지만, 극한의 고통 속에 떨며 두려워하는 저의 모습을 보면서 베드로처럼 주님을 위해 죽기까지 하겠다는 저의 평소의 고백은 그저 부끄러운 고백이었다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.

저의 삶의 위기와 고통을 통해 저의 영적인 상태를 보여 주신 주님의 은혜에 감사하게 되었습니다.

격려해 주시고
정무흠  [2011-03-11]
격려해 주시고 기도해 주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.
  작성자 패스워드