2009년 8월 12일 비옴
제목: 봉사활동
날씨가 정말안좋다
오늘은 예정대로 노동부로 봉사활동을갔다
비가내려 신발이 젖었다
노동부건물에 도착했다
많은 사람들이 일자리를 구하러 왔다
나와 언니 ,언니친구는 봉사하러왔다고 말을했다
우리는 책상에앉아 우편작업을했다
그것도 4시간이나
어깨가 아팠다
봉사 용지를 쓰려는데 사람들이 다 없어졌다
점심먹으러 다 나갔다
결국 기달렸다 쓰고 돌아왔다
2009, August 12th, rainning
title: service
the weather was not good.
today, according to plan I went to the sevice community center.
my shoes was wet because of rain
I was at the community center soon.
A lot of people was there for looking for the jobs.
my sister, friend and i said we are here for to do service
we set and worked on postal matters
for 4hours.
my showlderache!
I was about to write service paper but then everybody was gone.
they are gone because it was lunch time.
I waited and finally got sign on my sevice papaer and went home.