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1차세계대전 및 2차 세계대전은 세계 역사상 상당히 많은 변화를 가져온 중요한 전쟁들 중의 하나 입니다. 일단 가장 중요하고 기본적인 2차 대전의 timeline에 관한 것입니다.
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World War 2 Time Line
**Sept 1-Germany invaded Poland - Blitzkrieg- starting the World War 2
**Sept 3-The UK and France declared war on Germany
**Sept 10-Canada entered the war.
Sept 17-The Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east
**Apr 9-German forces invaded Norway and Denmark
May 10-Winston Churchill became the prime minister of the UK; Germany launched a blitzkreig against Belgium and Netherland
May 28-King Leopold III of Belgium surrendered to Germany
**June 5-Germany launched a major assault against France
**June 10-Italy declared war on France and the UK
June 14-German troops entered Paris
**June 22-French government agreed to an armistice with Germany
July 10-Battle of Britain began
**Apr 6-Germany invaded Greece and Yugoslavia
**June 22-Germany invaded the Soviet Union
Sept 8-German troops began to blockade Leningrad
**Dec 7-Japan bombed US military bases at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
**Dec 8-The US, the UK, and Canada declared war on Japan
Feb 15-Singapore fell to the Japanese
**Feb 26-28-Japan defeated an Allied naval force in the Battle of the Java Sea
**Apr 9-US and Philippine troops on Bataan Peninsula surrendered
**Apr 18-US bombers hit Tokyo in the Doolittle raid
May 4-8-The Allies checked a Japanese assault in the Battle of the Coral Sea
**June 4-6-The Allies defeated Japan in the Battle of Midway
**Aug 7-US Marines landed on Guadalcanal
Aug 25-Hitler ordered his forces to capture Stalingrad
Oct 23-The UK Attacked the Axis at El Alamein in Egypt
**Nov 8-Allied troops landed in Algeria and Morocco
**Feb 2-The last Germans surrendered at Stalingrad
**May 13-Axis forces in Northern Africa surrendered
Jul 4-Germany opened assault near the soviet city of Kursk
Jul 10-Allied forces invaded Sicily
**Sept 3-Italy secretly surrendered to the Allies
Sept 9-Allied troops landed at Salerno, Italy
Nov 20-US forces invaded Tarawa
**June 6-Allied troops landed in Normandy in the D-day invasion of nothern France
**June 19-20-A US naval force defeated the Japanese in the Battle of the Philippine Sea
July 18-Japan's prime minister Tojo resigned
**July 20-A plot to assassinate Hitler failed
Oct 20-The Allies began landing in the Philippines
**Oct 23-26-The Allies defeated Japan's navy in the battle of Leyte Gulf in the Philippines
**Dec 16-The Germans struck back at US troops in the Battle of Bulge
**Mar 16-US marines captured Iwo Jima
**Apr 30-Hitler took his life in Berlin
**May 7-Germany surrendered unconditionally to the Allies in Reims, France, ending WWII in Europe
June 21-Allied forces captured Okinawa
**Aug 6-An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima
**Aug 8-The Soviet Union declared war on Japan
**Aug 9-An atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki
Aug 14-Japan agreed to surrender unconditionally
**Sept 2-Japan signed surrender terms aboard the battleship U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay