키워드로 검색하세요
토론토 생활 길잡이, 코리아포탈이 함께합니다
  없어져야하는 모두는 신축성있는 끝을 태우는 것입니다.
All missin

All missing to burn the elastic end. Make sure you will correct in bulk.
없어져야하는 모두는 신축성있는 끝을 태우는 것입니다. 대량으로 고쳐야합니다.

You made hand stitching at the band and buckie is good, pls keep this good workmanship in production too.

밴드와 버키에 손으로 바늘질하세요. 또한 제품에 좋은 솜씨를 발휘하세요.

Sample length at 23cm is too tight pls make it 25cm(fold measure)

32cm샘플길이는 너무 팽팽합니다. 25cm로 해주세요(접은 길이로)

Tassel got broken at end and they must be well closed.

장식술 모양의 물건이 끝부분에 부러졌다면 잘 마무리된 것이 틀림이 없습니다.

Please burn the ends of he inside elastic to avoid them from fraying.

너덜 너덜하게 되지 않게 하기 위해 안쪽의 신축성소재를 태우세요

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Shown in the options are the projected CPU speeds the utility will tune the system to achieve. I have rarely ever seen a configuration that couldn't deliver though there are no guarantees here. I will say that once this is set you will probably be able to go in and reduce the CPU voltage. This gave me a CPU voltage of 1.33v when I was done and this simply wasn't necessary. I was able to run at 4.6GHz with 1.275v. Doing so reduced my CPU temperatures drastically. <a href=http://www.campingdustade.com/chaussure/nikefr.html>nike pas cher</a> With the passage of time, <a href=http://www.laneuvilleroy.fr/pari/chaussures.php>nike blazer pas cher</a> "The first thing that appears to be is that the jeweler should be charged," said defence attorney Trish Cheverie, noting that the jeweler paid the girls only a small amount of what the jewelry is worth. 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That should help saag saag paneer ($5.49), the vegetarian dish of homemade white cheese and spinach, but it doesn It should have a livelier green base. Before the paratha is wrapped, ask for, say, tamarind sauce and lots of onion to perk it up. <a href=http://www.oopshare.fr/blazer.html>nike blazer pas cher</a> This makes for a scenario that no pressure group can fight against with a conventional campaign. <a href=http://www.laneuvilleroy.fr/pari/chaussures.php>nike blazer pas cher</a> Without paying a penny or making a reservation months in advance, families and friends shared a great night together in one of Alexandria's beautiful public parks compliments of the residents of the City of Alexandria, whose taxes are dedicated to providing people from around the world green space to relax, walk and play. Early the next morning, the park returned to joggers, cyclists, dog walkers, exercise classes and morning strollers. The temporary stage was dismantled, so the view of the river, complete with flotillas of geese and gulls, was fully restored.
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